Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A HUGE blessing.

Hello friends!

I am finding a few moments here in this hectic week of cleaning (for our home inspection home study) to update you on a miracle that Kevin and I experienced this past weekend.

We were visiting home, and I happened to find time a sweet friend of mine gave me an envelope with our names written on the outside. She told me to open it later...so a little bit after the meeting I sat in my car and proceeded to open one of the most meaningful letters I have ever received.

My friend's note moved me to tears and I was SO encouraged in my faith. She also encouraged Kevin and my patience in waiting for God's timing as we start our family, writing about what wonderful parents we will be. Needless to say, the tears were many. (Now on this windy path, I have to admit that steadfast patience isn't something I can receive much praise for...but we have had times of courage, hope, and patience and this friend noticed the courageous bits and pieces. This inspired me beyond words.) Her words were like water in a desert season...so refreshing. So loving.

Not only did she encourage us, but she and her husband gave a GENEROUS donation toward our adoption fees. Talk. About. Moving. I sat in my car and bawled. Like, seriously? My friend who is pregnant with her first was willing to give soo generously to our adoption? GOD IS SO AMAZING!!! I don't even know how to say thanks to a sacrificial gift like that.

This act of generosity STIRRED our hearts and confirmed so strongly that the adoption path we're on is HIS will for our lives.  It came in a moment of need; being 1 week away from our second home study in which we owe another chunk of money.

It's so reassuring that our God doesn't leave ANY battle for us to fight alone. He brings brothers and sisters alongside of us to fight. And to glorify HIM...to make HIM look good to the world. So we turn our eyes upon Jesus and the things of this world grow dim....and I thank him and this wonderful friend for helping us on this exciting journey.

It gives me great hope for what is to come.

Love you, girl.

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