Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Homestudy #2 and #3

On July 5th, our 3rd Anniversary (yay!) we had our second of three home studies! This was the "biggest" deal of the three, because we had to clean our house (even the office and storage spaces ;o) as well as turn in our Scrapbook/Profile.

Needless to say, it was glad to have that meeting over! I had been cleaning and scrapbooking like a mad woman, and it was time to just get it over with! I probably put at least 40-50 hours into the scrapbook, and it was sucking my time away. Obviously, every moment was worth it because this will be what the birth mom looks at to make a decision on which family to give her child to. But, at the same time, I just needed to trust that it was "good to go" and give it over. It's totally in God's hands now for timing. All of the work we could have done is done...and it's just a matter of prayer and trusting now.

One piece of paperwork we hadn't turned in yet was our marriage certificate, which we had to order another copy of, because we lost it. If you know me at all, you will start to know that I lose important things quite often. Luckily, this was only a 27 dollar mistake. I'm sure we'll come across it someday (probably next time we move!) We'll turn that in today at our third and final home study.

We really like our social worker. She is extremely patient and answers so many questions for us every time we get together. We're excited to "seal the deal" today when we pay the final amount due on our home study and turn in the last couple pieces of paperwork. We will also look over the final write-up of our "home study" which includes detailed family history, our relationship, and how we plan on raising our child/children.

We are so thankful for the three families who wrote our references and for everyone who has partnered with us in prayer. Please continue to pray for our continued patience and trust as well as protection over our future child!

We'll keep you updated as things change/we find out any new news!

(A little juicy tidbit: we started the baby rooM!! IT IS SO ADORABLE! We are doing a "Zoo Babies" theme with baby Giraffes, Baby Elephants, and baby Monkeys! So if you see any big stuffed animals of those 3, let us know! We painted the walls and got the crib set up! The crib is awesome and it was a gift from some close friends who are done having kids! Pictures to come!)
(this is a picture we included in our profile book! These are the adorable twins who were our flower girls, as well as their little brother and adopted brother and sister! I babysat them in College and their family has been an amazing resource to us in our adoption process!)

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